From under my rock…

Hi all!

So, clearly I’ve failed a little bit in my resolutions. Actually, I’ve failed at all of them…but I’m not a resolutions person, so gotta try not to beat myself up about it. Every day is an opportunity to turn one’s life around. Why people insist on trying to do this with every new year I’ll never know.

But what have I been up to? Hiding under a rock mostly. It’s been a rough couple of months for me on a personal level, but I won’t get into that. What I will tell you about are my sewing accomplishments!


Gen X Quilters Sisters' Ten BOM

I came across the Sisters’ Ten Modern BOM by gen X quilters quite by accident. I just loved everything about it: the traditional blocks with a modern twist and the modern layout with the big open negative space are the two that come readily to mind. So, I jumped right in and grabbed a couple fat quarter bundles of Tula Pink’s Salt Water in blue and green from LimaSews. I absolutely love it!

Sisters' Ten BOM Fabric

Here are my finishes so far for this BOM.

Sisters' Ten January

Sisters' Ten February


Sisters Ten MarchBOM2
Sisters Ten MarchBOM1

You may notice in the pictures, sometime in February I finally got around to tacking some batting up in my sewing room to use as a design wall. So simple. So effective. Sew fabulous!

In February I took a trip to Tennessee to visit with family for a week. I got snowed out of Boston, though, so it ended up being more like 10 days. Anyway, on one of those days my aunt came out to the living room with a ‘new’ pillow. I didn’t know this about her, but she has a weird thing for pillows; always changing their covers; moving them around the house. Weird to say the least. But this particular pillow cover was absolutely hideous! Guess where it is now? In my sewing room. It’s my sizing pattern so I can make her a new one.

I got around to playing with a few new blocks today that I thought might make good pillows. The first wound up looking too patriotic/Texas for my taste. My aunt called it ‘Colonial’ and I think she’s right:

I honestly have no idea what I was thinking with those color choices. What was I expecting, some kind of modern twist on a Fourth of July celebration? No idea. Don’t get me wrong, I like the pattern, but not in these colors.

And lastly, I love this pattern and in these colors, but my sewing skills aren’t really up to the task of making this block to actually give to someone. So many points to match up! Don’t look too closely – it’s a hot mess!!


‘Til next time (which will hopefully be sooner than last time!),


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